Role: Mentor

Tracks: Digital Tech

Manuel Jaime

Member, NuFund Venture Group

Manuel Jaime’s career has stretched over several industries, where he has established himself as an expert in technologies that include mobile, web, cloud, and connected devices software applications and services. He has been a pioneer in sports tech, digital healthcare, and automotive electronics where he has served as founder or senior executive leading innovative technology initiatives in media consumption, connected devices/services and mobile/web B2B and B2C applications. With more than 25 years of industry experience, Jaime has been at the forefront of incubating and commercializing products, services, and applications. Growth and established companies have thrived under Jaime’s leadership, who has led technology development and been described as a thought leader in digital innovation. His responsibilities have included spearheading technology development and strategy, along with leading product development. Jaime is an inventor/co-inventor on more than 20 patents in connected devices, wireless systems, video platforms, and low-power RF. He is a graduate of the Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management where he received an MBA and a MS in Mechanical Engineering. He also holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering and a MS in Systems Engineering from MIT.