Role: Mentor

Tracks: Deep Tech - Digital Tech

Robert Padulo Ph.D

Venture Capitalist, Board Member, Senior Advisor, 3x-Entrepreneur | Managing Partner at Treasure Coast Ventures

For over 25 years as an entrepreneur, investor, board member and consultant, Robert has served numerous organizations in a leadership capacity, always seeking better ways to do things. Robert graduated from Harvard and earned his Ph.D. in Management at Oxford. In the mid-1990s, he was a consultant at McKinsey & Company (where, among other things, he helped develop the innovative concept, principles and action steps of "CRM" — a business practice new to the world, and a name Robert coined), and was president of TapeLicator, Inc. (maker of a patented one-handed tape applicator). In 1999, Robert pioneered the online HR services industry by founding iWorkwell, Inc. — the quality leader in HR information, guidance & tools — which he led as President for 17 years. He later co-founded Startup Smart Kids, an online program that teaches personal finance, and entrepreneurship, to students 11+ — and adults. Today he is a professional investor and advisor, serving as Managing Partner of Treasure Coast Ventures. Among other things, Robert is known as a thought-leader (authoring & disseminating white papers, leading webinars & workshops, etc.) with PhD-level board, valuation, and exit-strategy expertise.